Wednesday, October 26, 2016

4 Ways to Help you Live over 60 Years

1. Protect Your Joints
Getting older doesn’t mean you have to give up your morning run or the regular form of exercise you do. People used to think running would wreck their knees. But new research suggests it might actually strengthen them. It doesn’t seem to raise your risk of arthritis either.

That said, if you have arthritis or damaged joints, running could be too much. But you can still benefit from exercise. It helps strengthen muscles, support your joints, and lessen pain. So choose low-impact activities like walking or biking instead, or most preferably just using the stairs.
2. Keep Learning
It is said that when you stop learning, you start dying. So, surprise yourself. Instead of sticking with what’s familiar and comfortable, tackle something new. Go to out-of-the-ordinary places. Make new friends. Learn a musical instrument or a language. New experiences will build new pathways in your brain, keeping your mind healthy as you age. They will also expand your options for finding excitement and happiness.
3. Eat Healthy Fats
You already know that saturated fats are bad for your arteries and heart health. But they can also harm your concentration and memory. So cut down on the red meat, butter, and other of such foods. Instead, add more fatty fish and fats from plants, like flax seed and walnuts or almonds. These healthy fats may have extra benefits for your heart and your brain. Guess what, you will indeed have the best body ever with your age.
4. Make a New Start
So you didn’t have the healthiest habits in your 30’s and 40’s. Maybe you ate too much and exercised too little. That’s OK. The key is to do better now. Changing your lifestyle in your 60’s and beyond exercising more and eating healthier can still make a big difference. You can lower your risk of heart problems, cancer, and bone fractures. It’s not too late. You really can be healthier and more fit now than when you were 30.
This tips have been tried by several and they ave worked. Try as much as possible to make sure that you do them in order for you to look younger than your age.

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