Friday, July 26, 2013

Looking Beautiful

Beauty could be defined as a reflection of effective functioning of body metabolizes, the human body is made up of cells, and cells are made up of organs, organs are made up of senses,  sense like the eye, skin etc.  Now if any of these senses become abnormal will that portrays beauty?  The answer is left for your imagination!  Care must be taken to maintaining our organs and reduce the wear and tie aging theory.

Poor health gets visible easily and can create a negative impact on your physical appearance, . Some obvious outward signs pointing  individual's physical health complications get detected are obesity, dark circles around the eyes, acne, dry skin and hair loss.

However, apart from these signs, there are several other marks that indicate health problems of a person as for instance, white fingernails, brittle hair, creases between the eyes and dandruff. This is why; if you like to look beautiful; you should definitely give importance to your health maintenance.

10 Tips You Should Watch Out For

1.         Use healthy cooking oil
It is a misconception that oils are all bad for your body. The secret to a beautiful body is to choose healthy oil for cooking. Monounsaturated fat is actually beneficial for your body and is found in oils like olive, flax and canola. Food prepared in these oils can help you to remain healthy and fit. In addition, these oils help your body to absorb essential fat-soluble carotenoids as well as vitamins that slow down the process of aging.

2.         Drink a lot of Water
Drinking a lot of water help the skin from dehydration and prevent it from wrinkle consequently power the elasticity to the skin, removing of waist products from the body greatly depends on liquid in the human body.  This is because water help in the digestion process and provide people with refreshed feel.

3.         Eat healthy diet
Healthy food rich in vitamins and minerals are important to provide proper nutrition to your body. Fruits, vegetables and nuts are very nutritious and help in slowing down the aging process. They increase immunity and help to fight diseases. Thus, you can retain youthful and beautiful for a long time. Always try to have different types of healthy foods that are rich in vitamins like A, B, D, C, E and K.

4.         Avoid Sugar
Sugar can suppress your immune system causes upsets to the mineral relationship in the body, sugar causes a decline in tissue elasticity  function  thereby leading decline physical appearance– the more sugar you eat, the more elasticity you lose.

5.         Use products with Retinoid
Retinoid are very essential for the formation of collagen. It also helps the cells of skin to regenerate. Therefore, take care to buy cosmetic products that have retinoid.

6.         Maintain Clean Skin
Clean up your skin. Blotches, ash marks, dirt, and acne are not very pretty. Aim to shower or bathe every day with a body wash that works for you. Use deodorant to keep your sweat-prone areas fresh. Remember: The best skin you could possibly have is free of acne, well moisturized, protected from UV rays, not greasy, and radiantly bright. So a good cleansing program and oil-free sunscreen is a must.

7.         Include protein in your diet
Protein is made up of amino acids which is very essential for the proper development of the body. These are known as the building blocks of our body and help in growth, repair and healing. Adequate protein is very essential for good skin, hair and nails. A normal person should include 120 grams of protein in his daily diet.

8.         Always Smile
Make the effort to smile. This will make you feel good about yourself, and make other people feel positive while improving your own mood. Think of something that made you laugh, and you'll have the most charming and pretty smile! Definitely practice smiling in front of the mirror and find out what your most beautiful smile is (a head tilt smile, a teeth smile, a full lip smile, etc.) Then have this smile on for the camera.

9.         Avoid long sun exposure
Sunlight provides vitamin D to the body and helps in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. However, this does not mean that you have to bake in the sun for long hours. Overexposure of sun can cause sunburns and even skin cancer. The UV rays break the collagen present in the skin, making it dry and wrinkled. Be cautious and always apply sunscreen before going out.

10.       Having Enough Sleep
Get enough sleep. This will help you to always look your best. Regular sleeping patterns help your body to effectively regenerate and feel great the next day! More sleep equals a more awakened, energized person. If you don't have time to sleep in during the morning, avoid sleeping on your face, this will cause wrinkles and more grease, which probably means a longer facial care system.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Treatments for Piles

As with any health problem, there is much to know about the causes, symptoms and effective methods of treating piles. In case you are feeling some uneasiness, pain or itching in the areas near the anus, especially while passing stools, then you should realize that there is some hidden danger. Medically, this condition is known as piles.

Now, once you have been diagnosed with this painful illness, your focus should be on the methods of treating and curing it effectively to get not only early but reliable results.
Some of the tested and proven tips for treating this illness can be listed as:

1. Change of diet.

In case you have not paid enough attention to what is included in your platter every time, it is the right time to begin today. Focus on changing your dietary habits for the better-replace all those fatty food items with more greens and high-fiber dishes. Some of the popular items that rank high in fiber are cereals, whole grain items like breads, green vegetables and fruits.

2. Exhibiting more self-care

Make sure you do not strain too much while passing stools. If you put strain on the bowels and intestine, then it may give rise to inflammation or tearing of blood vessels. If you are habituated to using dry toilet papers, then switch on to moist ones to prevent rashes and irritation of the soft and delicate skin near the anus. Never rub this area too hard as it will only worsen its condition.

3. Avoiding stress or depression

Most often, stress and a prolonged state of depression leads to constipation that in turn triggers piles. Constipation is known to be one of the primary factors affecting the bowel movements of a person. So, maintain a good mental health by not giving way to depressions. Avoid constipation to prevent piles.

4. Intake of laxatives

Constipation should be treated in the initial stages itself so that it does not lead to piles. For this, you can make use of mild laxatives either in the form of medicines or opt for natural remedies like boiled bananas or tomatoes. Regular intake of these items is sure to offer a visibly felt relief within a short time. There are specific creams also available to mitigate the pain of piles.

5. Opt for vaccination or surgery in the extreme cases

In the extreme cases where the piles problem is internally located and is not responding to the other treatments, you may have to go for injections or even surgery to gain respite.
There are many natural remedies to get only immediate but also lasting hemorrhoid relief. Home-made remedies are cheap and best solutions for getting respite and leading a normal life.

6.  Exercise - A simple hidden treatment

Most people find it difficult to exercise and this can go a long way to clear their bowels in a stress free situation, by the time I discovered this therapy every morning I don't forget to embark on it and placing my two legs in water while defecating the result is been very good.

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