Monday, August 3, 2015

What Is the Cause of Wrinkled Hands?

Have you noticed the skin on the back of your hands has become dry and wrinkly lately? What is the cause of wrinkled hands? There are actually several factors that can contribute to this condition.

It is possible your wrinkled hands are a result of exposure to extremes in the climate. It is well known that the sun can dry out the skin and cause it to wrinkle. Exposure to extremely windy or cold conditions can dry out the skin and make it wrinkled also.

Are Your Hands Appearance Changing?

If your skin tends to dry out as the seasons change, you can combat the harsh sun of summer and cold winds of winter. Apply some sunscreen or moisturizer, and wear gloves to protect your delicate skin.

If you find that your hands are beginning to look just like your mother's or fathers, that could be your answer as to your cause of wrinkled hands. As with many conditions, heredity does play a role in wrinkled and dry skin. Also, as you begin to age, your skin dries out and you will notice more wrinkly looking hands as a result.

Some Causes for Wrinkles on the Hands

There are lots of things in your environment that can cause you to have dry, wrinkly hands. Foremost among these is cleaning products and techniques. Cleaning with hot water and harsh chemicals is harsh to your skin and causes it to dry out and wrinkle prematurely. Using latex or rubber gloves can help to minimize this damage.

Sometimes wrinkled hands indicate something more than simple dry skin. It is possible that you have eczema or dermatitis that is causing your skin to be dry, itch and maybe even bleed. The skin may also become flaky and begin to peel. These conditions require the intervention of a physician to help you get the treatment you need.

Most of the time, though, you can treat your dry, wrinkly hands on your own. In the beginning, you are going to need more than a simple hand lotion to get the job done. Start out using something much thicker, like a cream but not petroleum jelly since it may cause other skin problems..

You are likely to have the best results if you apply the emollient at night and put on gloves. Then the moisturizer can soak into your skin all night as you sleep. You may also benefit by switching to a body wash instead of a soap. Be sure to select one that contains lanolin, cocoa butter, aloe or shea butter to help sooth and condition your dry skin.

Tips That Work

When you shower or bathe, use warm water instead of very hot water. Wear gloves when you do dishes, clean or perform yard work. Use lotion or cream on your hands daily, and drink lots of water every day to stay hydrated from the inside out.

As you can see, many things can be the cause of wrinkled hands. However, you do not have to simply accept them. There are precautions you can take and treatments you can use to help soften and soothe your dry skin and help improve the appearance of your hands.

You will learn more about the immediate and the long term solution by clicking The Wrinkles Solution for Women link below in the resource box. Margaret Bell, Skin Care Specialist

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