Ginger and Lemon
Local names for ginger:
Yoruba- Ataile
Local names for lemon:
Yoruba- Osan gaingain, Osan lakuregbe
Igbo- Oroma-nkirisi
Ginger naturally suppresses appetite. Ginger contains an acidic substance
that stimulates gastric enzymes, resulting in an increased metabolism. Faster
the metabolism, the more calories and fats will be burnt. Ginger also aids in
lowering cholesterol levels, a default consequence of excess weight.
Perhaps the best herb for digestion, ginger prevents indigestion and
abdominal cramping. Ginger also helps break down proteins, aiding the
digestion process.
How to prepare ginger drink
Cut three ginger root into pieces and soak in ½ litre of lemon juice for 48
hours. Take 3tbs thrice daily.
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