Showing posts with label Avocado. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Avocado. Show all posts

Monday, November 24, 2014

Foods to Boost Male Health

Lean Red Meat
If you're a steak-and-potatoes guy, you're in luck. Red meat can be good for you, says Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD, a dietitian for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Lean cuts of beef and pork are packed with protein and have only a little more fat than chicken breast. Red meat is also a good source of leucine, an amino acid that helps build muscle.

Friday, April 25, 2014

How to Beautify your Skin with Avocado

Avocados are a beauty fruit. Avocados are rich in minerals and high in vitamin A and all the B vitamins. Containing more protein than any other fruit, avocados are the perfect nourishment to maintain healthy skin and hair. It is easy to learn how to use avocado for beautiful skin and hair.

1  Mash up 1/4 of an avocado and spread on the face, letting sit for 15 to 20 minutes. The vitamin A from the avocado softens skin and restores a youthful appearance.

2  Put the pit of 1 avocado in a food processor and moisten with water to make a facial scrub. This exfoliating pit of the avocado sloughs off dead skin and brightens the face.

 3  Mash 1/4 of an avocado and combine with equal amounts of mayonnaise. Distribute evenly throughout the hair and wrap in plastic for 15 minutes for a deep conditioning treatment that nourishes hair and scalp.

4  Use avocado oil as a cuticle treatment and apply directly. Place saturated nails in plastic bags and then in heat mitts so the oils can be effectively absorbed. This restores nourishment to torn and jagged cuticles.

5 Use avocado oil as a treatment for dry cracked feet. Exfoliate feet, especially heels, then treat them with a layer of avocado oil to heal cracks and make them soft. This is perfect to do the night before you will be wearing strappy sandals.


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