Monday, January 27, 2014

Simple Ways To Prevent Cancer

What is cancer ?

This is a sudden increase in the number of cells produced within the body, thus, producing a malignant tumour. This production of cells is not controlled by the body (i.e they grow where they are not suppose to grow) and eventually cause medical problems.

Today, cancer is considered as one of the most fearful and deadliest disease that affects humanity, as it kills with ease. Cancer is mainly common amongst developed/ developing countries as its causes are mostly found within a developed environment.

What are the causes of cancer ?

In the early nineteenth century, the causes of cancer were unknown, it killed many people easily as there were no clues on the causes, prevention and treatment of the disorder.

Today, cancer is found to have many causes of which diet is the most important cause. It is due to the presence of carcinogens (substances or agents that promote the development of cancer) in foods. Other carcinogens can be found in:

• Tobacco smoke
• Radiation
• Additives like nitrates
• Viruses
• Moulds

• Chemical contaminants

Below are the main causes of cancer:

• Diet- Diet has a great deal to do with the causes of cancer. Foods rich in carcinogens are likely to cause cancer.
• Tobacco
• Alcohol
• Solar radiation
• Viral causes
• Environmental pollution
• Genetic mutations (change in the genes of an organism)

Types of cancer and recommended diet in treatment

BRAIN CANCER- This type of cancer affects the brain. In its treatment /prevention, vitamins are advised to be highly increased in a diet. Also, foods like roasted meat, fried foods, boiled bacon, hamburgers etc. Should be reduced or completely eliminated.

STOMACH CANCER- As the name implies, it affects the stomach. In its treatment /prevention, fruits (mainly citrus) and vegetables are advised to be highly increased in a diet. Also, foods like barbecue (roasted meat), and alcoholic beverages should be reduced or completely eliminated.

LUNG CANCER- A person suffering from or willing to avoid lung cancer, is advised to increase fruits and vegetables in his/her diet. Also, the reduction or elimination of foods like eggs, refined baked products, beer, dairy products, and cured meat is highly important.

LARYNX CANCER- The prevention /treatment of larynx cancer can be highly accompanied by an increase in intake of:
* fruits
* vegetables
* antioxidant vitamins.
Also, foods like cured meat and alcoholic beverages should be avoided.

LIVER CANCER- A person suffering from or willing to avoid liver cancer should increase vegetables, and fruits rich in provitamin A in his diet. Also, he/she should reduce or completely eliminate the intake of pork, moldy foods, and alcoholic beverages.

URINARY BLADDER CANCER- This type of cancer affects the urinary bladder (an organ that collects urine before it is passed out of the body). In its treatment /prevention, foods like vegetables (mainly carrots and spinach), fruits rich in vitamin C and E should be increased.
Also, foods like milk, fried foods, alcoholic beverages, fat, pork, and coffee should be reduced or completely eliminated.

BREAST CANCER- A person suffering from or willing to avoid breast cancer should:
* increase the intake of garlic, fiber, yogurt, olive oil, soy, vitamin E and A, and vegetables (mainly carrot and spinach).
* reduce or completely eliminate the intake of eggs, milk, fat, alcoholic beverages, pastries, red meat, margarine, chocolate, and baked foods.

KIDNEY CANCER- A person suffering from or willing to avoid kidney cancer, should:
* increase the intake of vitamins (mainly vitamin C and E) and fruits (mainly citrus)
* reduce or completely eliminate the intake of fat, proteins, chicken, and red meat.

MOUTH CANCER- A person suffering from or willing to avoid mouth cancer, should:
* increase the intake of fruits (mainly citrus) and vegetables.
* reduce or completely eliminate the intake of hot peppers, meat, and alcoholic beverages.

PANCREATIC CANCER- A person suffering from or willing to avoid pancreatic cancer, should:
* increase the intake of fruits, fiber, legumes, grains, yoghurt, and vegetables.
* reduce or completely eliminate the intake of proteins, alcoholic beverages, saturated animal fat, meat, eggs, cholesterol, fish, and calories.

NASOPHARYNGEAL CANCER- A person suffering from or willing to avoid nasopharyngeal cancer, should:
* increase the intake of fruits rich in provitamin A, and vegetables.
* reduce or completely eliminate the intake of salted and smoked products, and hot tea.

OESOPHAGEAL CANCER- A person suffering from or willing to avoid oesophageal cancer, should:
* increase the intake of fruits (mainly citrus and the ones rich in provitamin A), fiber, and vegetables.
* reduce or completely eliminate the intake of red meat, pickles, and alcoholic beverages.

ENDOMETRIAL CANCER- A person suffering from or willing to avoid endometrial cancer, should:
* increase the intake of garlic, onion, fruits, beta-carotene, whole grains, and vegetables.
* reduce or completely eliminate the intake of animal fat, red meat, cured meat, cholesterol, salted fish, margarine, and eggs.

COLON CANCER- A person suffering from or willing to avoid colon cancer, should:
* increase the intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grain, yogurt, and fiber.
* reduce or completely eliminate the intake of eggs, red meats, cured meats, cured cheese, alcoholic beverages, fats, calories, and sugar.

OVARIAN CANCER- A person suffering from or willing to avoid ovarian cancer, should:
* increase the intake of fish, vegetables, and whole grain.
* reduce or completely eliminate the intake of butter, whole milk, eggs, meat, and saturated fat.

PROSTRATE CANCER- A person suffering from or willing to avoid prostrate cancer, should:
* increase the intake of fruits, garlic, soy, legumes, dates, raisins, tomatoes, and carotenoids.
* reduce or completely eliminate milk, red meat, animal fats, calcium supplements.

What are the foods that help prevent cancer ?

There are certain foods that helps prevent the development of cancer. Below, we are going to list some of those foods.

FRUITS- Fruits, are one of the most effective anticarcinogenic foods (foods that help prevent the development of cancer). Researches conducted worldwide have shown that, “abundant fruit consumption prevents most of the cancers”. The effects of fruits in preventing cancer can be attributed to some substances they contain, such as limonoids, flavonoids, vitamins, resveratol, anthocyanins, antioxidants, pectin, and so on.

VEGETABLES- Vegetables, together with fruits, are the most effective anticarcinogenic foods. All vegetables help prevent cancer, and this property of their’s can be attributed to some substances present in them, such as antioxidants, phytochemicals, beta-carotene, carotenoid, sulphurated phytochemicals, flavonoids, vitamins, and so on.

WHOLE GRAINS- Whole grains also are effective in the prevention of cancer. They contain fiber which helps extract and remove carcinogenic substances present in the digestive tract and gets rid of them together with faeces. It also contains some substances known as phytates that act as anticarcinogens (protects against cancer).

LEGUMES- All legumes help prevent the development of cancer. This property can be attributed to the presence of fiber and phytates in them. Above, we have seen how these substances helps prevent cancer.

YOGURT- The lactic acid and active bacterial culture explains its protective effect against cancer (especially breast cancer).
Note: Yogurt should not be mistaken for milk, as milk is a top cancer-causing food.

OLIVE OIL- Numerous studies conducted in the united states have shown that, “olive oil when substituted for other dietary fats, it reduces the risk of developing cancer (especially breast cancer).

What are the foods that promote cancer ?

 There are several foods that help promote or even initiate the development of cancer. Some of these foods are listed below.

• MEAT- Various studies conducted in different parts of the world shows that, “meat consumption is a major cause of most types of cancer”. Some forms of meat that cause cancer include:
* salted meat
* cured meat
* red meats, be it lamb, pork or beef
* fried meat
* barbecue.

• MILK- Also, numerous studies conducted in various parts of the world have shown that, ” the consumption of whole milk is related with the development of various types of cancer, like lung, breast, prostrate, and so on “.

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