Sunday, September 10, 2023

Discover Our Favourite Method Improve Your Vision, Reduce Pain, Pressure , STOPS AND SLOW DOWN THE GROWTH OF CAT.ARACT, GLAU.COMA, MACU.LAR DEGENERATION…... Without Glasses, Eyes Drop Or Surgery πŸ‘‡

 Discover Our Favourite Method Improve Your Vision, Reduce Pain, Pressure , STOPS AND SLOW DOWN THE GROWTH OF CAT.ARACT, GLAU.COMA, MACU.LAR DEGENERATION…... Without Glasses, Eyes Drop Or Surgery πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

Read to the end...

This Solution Guide will help you prevent and slow down the the progress of Eye problems such as Cataract, Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration.

#1. Vitamin C 🍊🍊

This is one of the best vitamins for cataract. It can prevent cataract from getting worse

This is how it works….πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ

Let start by discussing what causes cataract.

One of the biggest suspects is free radical which cause oxidation and accelerate aging. Vitamin C act as a free radical scan verger counteract the oxidation from free radical in the body.
…...Oranges and strawberries are good sources of vitamin C.

#2. Vitamin E πŸ₯”πŸ₯”

One of the best allies fight against Age-related Macular Degeneration [AMD] is vitamin E.

This vitamin slows down the progression of AMD and formation of cataract.

You can find vitamin E in almonds, peanut, peanut butter, sufferer seeds, spinach and sweet potatoes.

Let move on.
#3. Lutein and Zeaxanthin πŸ₯¦πŸ₯¬

These two Nutrients are carotenoid that acts as oxidants to fight oxidation. You can incorporate then in your diet by adding leafy green like vegetables.

#4. Vitamin A

In the Age-related Eye Diseases studies <AREDS>, researchers found vitamin A to be beneficial for preventing vison loss, when taking with another oxidant.

Vitamin A is also important for the surface of your eye and reduces risk of eye infection.

You can find vitamin A in carrots, Macular degeneration. You can find zinc in egg yolks, turkeyπŸ—πŸ—, read meat, seafood, and beans.


#5. HONEY: Honey is known for its many therapeutic and medicinal properties! While its uses and benefits for skin, gut, and overall immunity are well known, do you know that you can use honey for eyes as well? Yes, you got that right!

And Finally...

#6. Honey not only adds that subtle sweetness to your food and enriches you with many important nutrients, but it also helps improve your vision! Not only that…

It helps reduce inflammation and eye infections as well!

It helps to get rid of Eyes Redness, itch and Irritation.

Wait, I knew you are looking for solution to Tackle your Blurry vision, cloudiness of the eyes, redness of the eyes, and Catar.act.

I was in your shoes long time ago. I almost gave up and accepted  I was going to lose my sight if I didn't undergo any surgery.

I had bought several drugs and supplements from the so called online vendors. They are scammers.

They left me to myself and never look back.

The breakthrough came when I stumbled on an Eye booster Food plan and a simple but Eye exercises.

At first, I ignored it because it was simple and too good to be true.

I got confused and tried it out. To cut the story, I now see 10x clearer and better than I can see 10years ago.

I have vowed in my heart to show this food plan and Eye exercise to as many people as possible.

Initially, I was giving out for free but people didn't value it because they did not pay for it.

Now, I have decided to give it out for #1000  and I have vowed not to give it out for free.

If they want a breakthrough they would find #1,000 to pay for it.

If you are interested in this food plan and practical exercise, chat me up right now by clicking the whatsapp button on this post.

You can find the icon at the bottom right hand side of this post.

Its time to see better and clearer without surgery, contact lenses or glasses

U call us on 08169843796 for more Information

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