Friday, August 8, 2014

How To Get Your Free Vitamin D

I love being outside enjoying the sunshine, but want to protect my skin from potential harm. Remember that the skin is your body's largest organ, so you need to protect it starting from the inside out. That's right, from the inside out. A balanced gut will help your skin glow. Why you ask? An efficient digestion allows the nutrients in your food to be distributed throughout your body. That means essential minerals, vitamins and live enzymes are able to do their job preventing inflammation and promoting a strong immune system.

No amount of lotions or creams will help nutrient starved skin look fresh and healthy.
Have you noticed that you may feel a difference in skin texture when you first use a new beauty product? Then, after a short time, your skin reverts back to its old tired looking self? Like many medications, beauty creams treat the symptom, but not the problem. The truth is, most of us don't eat properly so our guts don't work efficiently. This not only causes medical conditions, but affects our skin as well.

You can improve your skin texture and tone by eating!
Isn't that great news? The trick is to eat the RIGHT foods and avoid sugar and processed foods. If you're not eating as healthy as you should, summer is a great time to change your habits. There are so many yummy fresh veggies and fruits available. Vegetables are high in water and nutrients, which promote your natural detoxification process. Generally speaking, raw whole foods help you maintain youthful looking skin.Smoothies with fermented probiotics are a tasty way to replenish your good gut bugs as well as improve your skin so you can feel and look your best.

Here is a list of foods to include in your diet:

· Kale/Spinach/Broccoli- Healthy liver functioning
· Honey- Anti-viral, antioxidant
· Green tea- Antioxidant
· Berries- Flavonoids, vitamins, probiotics and antioxidants
· Tomatoes- Vitamin C, builds collagen and lycopen protects skin from UV damage
· Nuts- Vitamin E, anti-inflammatory for acne and psoriasis
· Avocados- Glutathione helps with wrinkles
· Sardines-rich in omega's
· Beets- Folate fights wrinkles, anit-inflammatory and detoxifies
· Fermented Foods- Replenishes good gut bugs, reduces inflammation

Your skin depends on your gut to look its best.
According to Weston A. Price, the lining of your gut is a special type of skin and requires the same nutrients as your external skin-zinc and vitamin D. Both your skin and gut contain billions of bacteria. The key is to promote good bacteria. A sluggish gut, with an over abundance of bad bacteria will leave undigested proteins and toxins which pass through the gut. These toxins may be vetted out through the skin as rashes/skin lesions. Healthy skin begins from within!

Now that you have the inside covered, protect your skin from the outside.
Your body needs vitamin d and the sun is a natural source. As in everything, moderation is the key. It's important to know that slathering on sunscreen may not be the answer to protecting your skin. I wear a hat and protective clothing when I am in the sun. Coolibar has a wonderful selection of protective clothing, swimwear and sun hats. You can feel protected from the sun AND stylish!

Sunscreens are not always the best way to prevent skin cancer.
In fact, according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG) many sunscreens do more harm than good because of the toxins they contain. I highly urge you to check out their website for the best sunscreens for your health. They rate products from 1 to 10 for safety with 10 being the most hazardous to your skin. One hundred forty-nine sunscreens made the list including MD Solar Sciences, which I have used and is recommended by my friend Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy. Don't even think about using spray sun screen-especially on children. Consumer Reports warns that dangerous chemicals in sunscreen sprays may be inhaled, adding an extra danger to young children who are more likely to be negatively affected.

Keep your summer cosmetics lean, green and clean too!
So often women do so much right for themselves by eating and exercising healthy, but forget to read what they're actually putting on their face. More often than not, cosmetics have toxins that are harmful to their skin. In fact, there are 12 harmful ingredients to avoid in cosmetics including paraben, BHT, BHA and formaldehyde. I don't know about you, but I don't want something they use to preserve dead people on my skin while I'm alive! Why work so hard for healthy skin and cover it up with foundation and other make up? Even the lotions you put on your face may contain harmful chemicals. As with food, if you can't pronounce what's in your beauty regimen, don't use it. You can also check your beauty products on EWG's website to make sure you are making healthy choices for your skin.

Unfortunately being outside also means bug bites!
I always wonder why some people are eaten alive by mosquitoes while others are not. Turns out it may be all about the bacteria that live on our skin. People with the same types of bacteria tend to get bitten more. Guess those female mosquitoes love beer and pregnant woman. They tend to stay away from people who have a complex mixture of bacteria. Dr. Michael Roizen suggests eating different types of probiotics every day to help diversify your skin flora. Natural repellents include essential oils like lemon eucalyptus. But if those don't help repel those pesky mosquitoes and they do bite, cold green tea bags, tea tree oil and basil may relieve the itch. There are also several over-the-counter products like Burt's Bees Herbal Insect Repellent as well. Just make sure you stay away from sprays and lotions containing DEET. You don't need any more added chemicals to your body. It's bombarded enough!

Healthy and beautiful skin can be yours!
Eat lots of fresh, organic, whole foods to keep your skin looking beautiful. Avoid sugar and processed foods as they may cause inflammation and blotchy skin. Fermented probiotic foods help replenish your good bacteria so the nutrients, minerals and vitamins you eat are distributed throughout your body. You'll not only feel better, but your skin will shine. Enjoy the outdoors, but wear protective clothing. If you use sunscreen and/or cosmetics, make sure they're safe and do not contain toxins. A varied diet including whole foods not only is good for your gut, it helps keep mosquitoes away too.

Recommended Product:
Splina Chlorophy
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