Friday, August 29, 2014

Facebook Donates $10,000 To Politician Fighting Gay Marriage

Facebook made a $10,000 donation in May to the reelection campaign of Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes, who has received national attention for fighting a court ruling that would make gay marriage legal in the state.

The donation, first reported by QSaltLake, is listed in a filing for Reyes' 2014 primary campaign on the State of Utah Financial Disclosures website.

Facebook has made many political contributions, even starting its own PAC in 2011. The company has also donated $8,500 to the reelection campaign of California Attorney General Kamala Harris, who is a particularly vocal proponent of marriage equality.

In response to the donation, QSaltLake Assistant Editor Bob Henline has launched a petition, asking the social network to "publicly decry this bigotry and make an equal or greater contribution to the campaign of Charles Stormont who is also seeking the office of Utah Attorney General." Reyes' opponent has publicly supported LGBTQ equality.

"I'm an activist within the community, and Sean Reyes has drawn my distaste for his comments about the LGBT community," Henline told HuffPost. "So I wanted to see who was funding his campaign, and when I looked through the disclosures, I discovered that Facebook was his second-largest contributor. Being a Facebook user, I have always assumed that it was pro-equality and pro-diversity, so it shocked me."

In the "Reasons for Signing" section of the petition, one commenter wrote: "As a gay man and an avid user of Facebook, I can't understand how a company that values diversity and inclusion would give this politician money! My marriage is something that he [Reyes] is fighting very hard against."

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