Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is not limited to children -- 30% to 70% of kids with ADHD continue having symptoms when they grow up. In addition, people who were never diagnosed as kids may develop more obvious symptoms in adulthood, causing trouble on the job or in relationships. Many adults don’t realize they have ADHD, leaving them mystified about why their goals seem to slip out of reach.


Signs of Adult ADHD: Running Late

ADHD in adults follows a slightly different pattern than in children. Adults may be chronically late for work or important events. Adults may realize that their tardiness is undermining their goals, but they just can't seem to be on time.

Signs of Adult ADHD: Risky DrivingOne of the hallmarks of ADHD is difficulty keeping your mind on the task at hand. That spells trouble for teens and adults when they're behind the wheel of a vehicle. Studies show that people with ADHD are more likely to speed, have accidents, and lose their drivers' licenses.

Signs of Adult ADHD: DistractionAdults with ADHD may have trouble prioritizing, starting, and finishing tasks. They tend to be disorganized, restless, and easily distracted. Some people with ADHD have trouble concentrating while reading. The inability to stay focused and follow through on tasks can derail careers, ambitions, and relationships.

Signs of Adult ADHD: OutburstsAdults with ADHD may have problems with self-control. This can lead to:

Difficulty controlling anger

 Impulsive behaviors

Blurting out rude or insulting thoughts

Signs of Adult ADHD: HyperfocusSome adults with ADHD can focus intently on things they enjoy or find interesting -- the ability to hyperfocus. But they struggle to pay attention to tasks that bore them. The trouble is that many tasks necessary for success in everyday life are dull, from making a grocery list to filing documents at work. People with ADHD tend to put off boring tasks in favor of more enjoyable activities.

Multitasking or ADHD?It may seem like everyone has ADHD these days, as we respond to text messages, email, calls, and fast-paced work environments. While all of this can be distracting, most people manage to focus on important responsibilities. In people with ADHD, distractions interfere with the completion of vital tasks at home and at work.

ADHD or Something Else?If you are often restless and have trouble concentrating, don't jump to the conclusion that you have ADHD. These symptoms are also common in other conditions. Poor concentration is a classic sign of depression. Restlessness or anxiety could indicate an overactive thyroid or anxiety disorder. Your health care provider will investigate whether these conditions could be causing your symptoms instead of -- or in addition to -- ADHD

What Causes ADHD?In people with ADHD, brain chemicals called neurotransmitters are less active in areas of the brain that control attention. Researchers don't know exactly what causes this chemical imbalance, but they think genes may play a role, because ADHD often runs in families. Studies have also linked ADHD to prenatal exposure to cigarettes and alcohol.

An Evolutionary Advantage?One genetic variation that causes ADHD-like traits is more common in the world's nomadic peoples. Researchers think that traits such as impulsive behavior, novelty-seeking, and unpredictability might help nomads track down food and other resources. So the same qualities that make it challenging to excel at a desk job may have been an advantage to nomadic ancestors. 

Diagnosing ADHD in AdultsMany adults don’t learn that they have ADHD until they get help for another problem, such as anxiety or depression. Discussing poor habits, troubles at work, or marital conflicts often reveals that ADHD is at fault. To confirm the diagnosis, the disorder must have been present during childhood, even if it was never diagnosed. Old report cards or talking with relatives can document childhood problems, such as poor focus and hyperactivity. 

Testing for ADHDDuring an evaluation for ADHD, some mental health professionals use neuropsychological tests. These can include timed, computer-based tests that measure attention and problem-solving skills. Neuropsychological testing is not needed to make a diagnosis, but it can shed light on how ADHD affects a person's daily life. It can also uncover coexisting conditions, such as learning disabilities.

Complications of Adult ADHDCoping with the symptoms of adult ADHD can be frustrating in itself. At the same time, many adults with ADHD struggle with depression, anxiety, or obsessive compulsive disorder. They’re also more likely to smoke or abuse drugs. People with ADHD can limit these problems by seeking proper treatment.

Medications for ADHDThe most common medicines for ADHD are stimulants. It may seem ironic that people who are restless or hyperactive get help from stimulants. But there is good evidence that these drugs sharpen concentration by correcting an imbalance of brain chemicals. If stimulants aren't sufficient, your doctor may prescribe an antidepressant to stabilize mood or a selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, such as atomoxetine, which can help control impulsive behaviors.



How Effective Are ADHD Drugs?

There have been far fewer studies of ADHD drugs in adults than in children, but the research to date is promising. Studies have consistently shown adults taking stimulants have fewer ADHD symptoms. The benefits kick in within 30 minutes of the first dose and can last all day in the case of controlled-release medications


Counseling for ADHD

Most adults with ADHD improve when they start medication, but they may continue to struggle with poor habits and low self-esteem. Counseling for ADHD focuses on getting organized, setting helpful routines, repairing relationships, and improving social skills. There is evidence that cognitive-behavioral therapy is particularly helpful in managing problems of daily life that are associated with ADHD.

Adult ADHD on the JobHolding down a job can be tough for people with ADHD. They often have trouble breaking down tasks and following directions, staying organized, and making deadlines. They’re also prone to tardiness and careless mistakes. In one national survey, only half of adults with ADHD were employed full time, compared to 72% of adults without the disorder. People with ADHD also tend to earn less than their peers

Careers for Adults with ADHDThere's not much research yet into the careers where people with ADHD are likely to thrive. But ADHD expert Russell A. Barkely, MD, reports that his patients have excelled in sales, acting, the military, photography, athletic coaching, and many trade professions. Having ADHD does not prevent you from pursuing any career that interests you.

 Job Coaching for ADHDPeople with ADHD may be able to boost their job performance with coaching or mentoring. The mentor will help with organization skills, such as taking notes, keeping a daily planner and prioritizing a to-do list. A quiet workspace with few distractions may help. ADHD is a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act. This means employers must make adjustments to support a worker’s needs.

Adult ADHD and MarriageADHD can sabotage marriage and other relationships. The condition makes it difficult to remember social commitments, birthdays, or anniversaries, finish household chores, and pay bills on time. Adults with ADHD may lose their tempers easily or engage in reckless behavior. This leads to higher rates of separation and divorce.

Life Coaching for ADHDLike having a mentor in the workplace, some people with ADHD benefit from having a coach for everyday life. Coaching is generally a supplement to more formal psychological counseling. The mentor helps the patient put newly learned skills into practice in real-life situations, whether organizing the home or planning a trip.

Organizational Skills for ADHDSmart phone "organizer" apps can be especially useful for people with ADHD. Use an app to create a new to-do list every night, and you'll always have it with you on your phone. Keep your list organized by using four categories: calls, emails, tasks, and errands. Other apps can help you keep your schedule up to date, so you won't miss important events.

Diet Tips for Adults with ADHDSome experts believe foods that provide quality brain fuel could reduce symptoms of ADHD. High-protein foods, including nuts, meat, beans, and eggs, may improve concentration. Replacing simple carbs with complex carbs, like whole-grain pasta or brown rice, can help ward off mood swings and stabilize energy levels.

Does Sugar Worsen ADHDThe idea that sugar makes people hyperactive is popular, but there is no evidence that sweets cause ADHD or make its symptoms worse. Research in children indicates switching to a sugar substitute, such as aspartame, does not reduce symptoms of ADHD.

Outlook for Adults With ADHDAdults with ADHD don’t outgrow the condition, but many learn to manage it successfully. Long-term treatment can reduce problems at home and at work, bringing patients closer to their families and their professional goals.

A 19 year old Pakistani caught with drug in Nigeria

A 19 year old Pakistani student named Iftikihar Muhammed Arslan, (pictured above) has been arrested by officials of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency(NDLEA) for possession and attempted smuggling of 25.400kg of heroin said to be worth N228m into Nigeria, Vanguard reports
 Arslan was apprehended at the Muritala Mohammed International Airport during inward screening on passengers on board a Qatar Airways flight. 25 parcels containing the hard drugs were discovered in his luggage.

The suspect believed to be in a drug cartel through his passport showed that he left Lahore, Pakistan with the drugs to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, then Doha, in Qatar, from where he connected to Lagos. Continue...
In his confessional statement, Arslan denied knowledge of the drugs in his bag, saying he was here in Nigeria to experience the beauty of Victoria Island and Ikoyi

"I am a student of Punjab College and I am in Nigeria as a tourist because my friend told me that Victoria Island and Ikoyi are beautiful tourist centres. Unfortunately, when I arrived at the Lagos airport, the heroin was found in my luggage. This is my first time of coming to Nigeria and I had intended to spend a week or two.” he said.
Confirming the incident, the Chairman of NDLEA, Ahmadu Giade said that this was the highest drug arrest they have made since this year and it goes to show that NDLEA is winning the fight against drug trafficking

"This arrest and seizure will further send a warning to drug trafficking cartels that Nigeria is winning the fight against narcotics. NDLEA is prepared to halt the criminal activities of drug barons through a coordinated drug detection strategies. We are working very hard to also identify other members of the criminal group" he said

Friday, April 11, 2014

Moringa Oil Revitalizes Your Skin and Hair and Makes You Look Younger

In order to enjoy the benefits of great health, it is important to eat all the food groups nature has bestowed on us. Vegetables and fruits provide wholesome nutrition and offer rich minerals, nutrients, vitamins needed by human body for effective functioning. Apart from keeping the body active, balanced diet helps in keeping the skin glowing and healthy. Many people who take a diet rich in vitamins and minerals have healthy skin and look way younger. However, for those who cannot optimize their diet and do not consume required proportions of fruits and vegetables, Moringa is the best source for the complete nutrition. The seeds of this miracle tree are pressed and processed to form Moringa products. Besides its cosmetic benefits, Moringa products have great medicinal and healing properties.
Moringa Oil Rejuvenate Your Skin and Make It Look Beautiful & Glowing
People from Asian and African countries, have realize the cosmetic benefits of Moringa and have long been using the seeds of this plant to extract the oil which is beneficial for rejuvenating the skin from within. Due to its skin revitalizing properties, Moringa oil has been used by many cosmetic companies as well. The oil is full of vitamins A and C as well as radiance-boosting fatty acids, which keeps your skin glowing. It can be used as a natural cleanser and helps detoxify your body. You can get a smooth and soft skin by applying this oil. This oil has been used in body massage as well as aromatherapy since ancient times.

Moringa Oil Nourishes Your Hair and Make them Healthy & Bouncy
For women who wish to have long, strong and beautiful hair, Moringa oil is the best nourishment for their hair. Women in African and Asian countries have been using the moringa massage for massaging the scalp. It is used to strengthen the hair follicle and the regular massage of this oil helps to get rid of dandruff. For those who have split ends, applying moringa oil can reduce split ends dramatically. It also works as an excellent hair conditioner.
Pure Moringa Oil from Reverse the Signs of Aging
Women all the world over are looking for ways to younger looking skin and try everything from Botox to anti-aging creams in order to reverse the signs of aging. Moringa oil is a natural and chemical free way to reverse the aging clock. The presence of anti-oxidants in this oil helps in reducing the signs of aging. Nature's Moringa oil is made from 100% pure, organic, cold-pressed Moringa Oleifera seeds and is best for getting a youthful and radiant look. by Naturesmoringa

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Oscar Pistorius recounts moment he shot his girlfriend at his home

Oscar Pistorius broke down in court today as he described the moment he shot & killed his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp through a toilet door at his Pretoria home. Oscar claimed he was paralyzed with fear thinking an intruder had entered the house before he opened fire through a locked toilet door.

Now which girlfriend locks herself in her boyfriend's toilet at 3am in the morning if she's not trying to escape from someone? And how do you not check that your girlfriend is safe & around you before  you start firing shots? I don't understand this, but anyway below is how he describe what happened..

    "I wasn't sure where to point the firearm. My eyes were going between the windows and the toilet. I stood for some time. I just stayed where I was and kept on screaming. Then I heard a noise from inside the toilet that I perceived to be somebody coming out of the toilet. Before I knew it, I had fired four shots at the door." He said. Continue...

Describing the events leading up to Reeva's death, Oscar said Reeva cooked him dinner and they ate together at around 7pm. He went to his room just before 8pm and opened the balcony because it was "very humid". He said he fell asleep between 9pm and 10pm, then woke up in the early hours of 14 February because it was "extremely warm" in the bedroom.

    "I noticed that the fans were still running and the door was still open. Reeva was still awake. She rolled over to me and said 'Can't you sleep my baba?'", to which I replied: "No I can't, not tonight".

He said he grabbed a fan, locked the sliding doors and then drew the curtains. He then returned to the room and heard the sound of "window sliding open". He thought the noise was coming from someone who had climbed inside the house from the bathroom window.

    It was at this point that I heard a window sliding open in the bathroom. I heard the window hit the frame. I thought that a burglar had got into the house. I think I initially just froze. That's the moment that everything changed.

    The first thing that ran through my mind was to protect Reeva and I and to get my gun. I rushed as quick as I could, with my hand in front of me, at times touching the floor before grabbing my firearm from underneath the bed.

    At that point I just wanted to put myself between the person who had gained access to my house and Reeva. I slowed down and had my firearm extended in front of me. I whispered to Reeva to get down and phone the police.

    As I entered where the bathroom passage is, I was overcome with fear. I screamed at the person to get out. I screamed at Reeva. I was constantly aware this person could come at me at any time. I did not have my legs on. Just before I got to the bathroom, I heard a door slam. It could have only been the toilet door. It confirmed that there was a person or people inside the bathroom.'

    'I got to the entrance of the bathroom at the end of the passage where I stopped screaming. At this point I was certain that the intruders were in the bathroom.
    I had my pistol in my right hand and peered into the bathroom.I didn't have much mobility on the tiles. I had my pistol raised to the corner of the entrance of the bathroom. I noticed that the bathroom window was open. I was with my back against the wall. I wasn't sure if the intruders were in the toilet or around the corner at that point. Then I heard a noise from inside the toilet that I perceived to be someone coming out of the toilet. Before I knew it I had fired four shots at the door. My ears were still ringing - I couldn't hear anything - so I kept shouting for Reeva to phone the police."

    When I didn't hear anything from Reeva, I panicked. I didn't want to believe it could be Reeva inside the toilet. I didn't know what to do. I kicked the door. I was crying out, I was screaming. I used my cricket bat to smash down the toilet door and found Reeva. I have never screamed like that. 'I said "Oh, Reeva". I sat over her and cried."

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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Natural Liver Detox Diets (Liver Cleansing)

Using a natural detox diet to remove toxins and poisons from your body might sound like a good idea. After all, what could be better than eating pure and natural foods and avoiding processed and refined ones?

Certainly, there's something to these ideas. But there's also more than meets the eye. The rising interest in lifestyle enhancement has also ushered in many misconceptions about toxins and about the best way to clear them from the body. Fueling the confusion is a major marketing blitz by authors of diet books and producers of supplements and other detoxifying products.

Most natural liver detox diets lack science to support them. Additionally, detox diets are very restrictive and can cause harm if they're not used with care. Here's what you need to know.

What Is the Idea Behind Detox Diets?

The idea for detox diets comes from the concern that toxins are constantly bombarding our bodies. Toxins are chemicals with potentially harmful effects. While some toxins are more obvious, such as pesticides or smog, some people consider even seemingly normal substances to be toxins. They may come from many sources, including:

pesticides or other chemicals used to grow or prepare food
smog or other substances in the air
substances such as artificial sweeteners added to food
impure water

The belief is that the body holds onto toxins in the digestive, lymph, or gastrointestinal system as well as in skin and hair. They, then, can cause problems such as fatigue, headaches, nausea, and a wide range of chronic diseases.

What Is a Detox Diet?
Detox diets are designed to help the body rid itself of toxins. To attempt this, you temporarily give up certain kinds of foods. This is called fasting or purging. Then you gradually reintroduce foods. For example, you might start with a liquid diet for one or two days. Then you might move to four or five days of brown rice, fruit, and steamed vegetables. Finally, you might add other foods, except red meat, wheat, sugar, eggs, and prepackaged or junk food.

In general, organic foods and drinks and lots of water are required on a natural detox diet. And alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, drugs, processed or refined foods, and certain supplements are not allowed.

In some cases, a detox diet is paired with changes in lifestyle, which is also meant to foster the cleansing of toxins from the body. Saunas and exercise might also be recommended to increase sweating, another way thought to purge the body of certain substances.

These are examples of popular detox diets:

Master Cleanse or Lemonade Diet
Fat Flush Diet
Liver Cleanse Diet
Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox
Raw Food Diet
In some cases, people suggest using cleansing products or herbs to "purify" the liver and help it work more effectively. Or, you might be asked to do a colon irrigation to clean out your colon. This involves using an enema or having a practitioner clear the colon with up to 20 gallons of water through a tube inserted into the rectum.

Recommended supplement

Monday, April 7, 2014

Facts About Insulin Pump Therapy

An insulin pump is a computerized device that delivers insulin into the body. Your doctor or nurse works with a pump educator to program the settings that tell the pump how to provide the insulin according to your specific needs. This way, the person with diabetes can control how much insulin is released and when.

The computerized pump relieves the person with diabetes of having to administer the insulin by injection. However, he or she does have to get used to having the pump connected to the body by tubing. And the person with diabetes must still also check blood glucoses, count carbohydrates, make adjustments, and monitor the pump.

How does an insulin pump work?
An insulin pump looks a lot like a beeper. It has buttons to push and a small screen that displays information. Inside the pump is a small container, or reservoir, of fast-acting insulin. This reservoir is connected to tubing that is in turn connected to a very small plastic tube, or cannula, that is inserted under the person's skin. The person with diabetes is trained to use an infusion set to insert the cannula under the skin by means of a thin needle that is removed after insertion. The cannula is then held in place by tape. Insulin flows from the pump, through the tubing, into the cannula, and then into you! The cannula is usually inserted on the abdomen and is replaced every two to three days. There is one nsulin pump that works without tubing, and some people prefer that set-up.

The types of insulin doses that can be delivered by a pump
    Basal insulin. The pump is programmed to automatically release a little bit of insulin every hour to help keep blood glucose levels within the target range between meals. This replaces the need for a long-acting insulin like Lantus® or Levemir®. The ability to release small amounts of insulin at precise intervals can help improve blood glucose control with less risk of low blood glucoses. The basal rate is set, but you can make adjustments; that is, you can adjust the basal rate so that you get more insulin at the times of day when your blood glucose levels may run higher and less insulin when you are exercising.

    Bolus insulin. The pump also provides additional insulin whenever you eat. You tell the pump how many carbohydrate grams you are eating and what your blood glucose level is, and it calculates the amount. You then push a button and the insulin is delivered. Bolus doses are based on carbs and blood glucose levels.

Insulin pumps can help you become more flexible about the times and sizes of your meals and can help you reduce the frequency of low blood glucose levels related to exercise. If you would like to know more, Google "insulin pumps" and read the information from each pump manufacturer. You can also talk to your diabetes doctor or diabetes educator.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Facebook CEO Zuckerberg’s Base Salary Falls to $1

Mark Zuckerberg has decided he’s a $1-a-year man.

Zuckerberg, who is Facebook Inc. (FB)’s chief executive officer and also the 22nd richest person in the world as ranked by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, was paid $1 in salary for 2013, according to a regulatory filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission yesterday. That’s down from a base salary of $503,205 in 2012, the year that Facebook went public.

Zuckerberg is following the well worn path of other Silicon Valley technology moguls who also chose to take on the symbolic annual salary of $1 after they were already wealthy. Apple Inc.’s late co-founder Steve Jobs helped popularize the practice, which is today also espoused by Google Inc. co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, among others. All own sizable equity stakes in their own companies.

Zuckerberg, whose wealth totals around $27 billion, owns Facebook shares that give him 61.6 percent of voting power in the Menlo Park, California-based social network, according to the filing. He saw his net worth balloon last year as Facebook’s stock more than doubled in value. The 29-year-old has ramped up his public service and philanthropy, including starting a group called to connect the world to the Web.

Private Planes

Zuckerberg’s total compensation last year was $653,165, down from $1.99 million in 2012. The amount, besides the $1 salary, was for the passenger fees, fuel, crew and catering costs for his use of private planes for personal reasons, as part of his security program, according to the filing.

The CEO also made $3.3 billion last year after exercising stock options to purchase 60 million shares, according to the filing. Zuckerberg offered 41.35 million of those shares in a secondary offering by Facebook in December. At the time, the company said Zuckerberg would use the majority of the proceeds to pay for the taxes incurred in connection with the transaction. He also gifted 18 million shares to charity.

Other Facebook leaders also saw their compensation fall from 2012 levels. Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg received $16.2 million in total compensation in 2013, compared with $26.2 million a year earlier. She became a billionaire in January as Facebook’s shares soared, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

Chief Financial Officer David Ebersman made $10.5 million in compensation last year, compared with the $17.5 million in 2012. Vice President David Fischer’s compensation totaled $8 million last year, down from $12 million in 2012, while Chief Technology Officer Mike Schroepfer gained $12.6 million last year, down from $20.7 million a year earlier.

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