My friend and mentor Quincy Jones
says it takes 20 years to change a culture.
Well, in the last 20 years we have made dumb sexy. We have dumbed down and celebrated it. And we need to make smart sexy again.
A few years ago a prominent company — Diesel Jeans — launched an extremely successful new advertising campaign called Be Stupid. And I mean it was extremely successful.
And even though the company had a Manhattan flagship location with BE STUPID permanently installed on both sides of the store, no one said a word.
Well, in the last 20 years we have made dumb sexy. We have dumbed down and celebrated it. And we need to make smart sexy again.
A few years ago a prominent company — Diesel Jeans — launched an extremely successful new advertising campaign called Be Stupid. And I mean it was extremely successful.
And even though the company had a Manhattan flagship location with BE STUPID permanently installed on both sides of the store, no one said a word.