Thursday, June 4, 2015

8 Medical Tests All Men Over 40 Should Have And Why.

1. Blood Pressure
The importance of regular blood pressure check cannot be overemphasized.

2. Prostatic cancer screening
With age, the prostate gland gets enlarged and may become cancerous. This is a common reproductive gland cancer that affects men worldwide.

3. Diabetes screening
Insulin is produced by the pancreas and it controls the metabolism of carbohydrate, fat and protein. Inability of the body to produce enough insulin leads to diabetes.
Cholesterol level
With age, obesity and sedentary lifestyle, cholesterol tends to build up within the blood vessels. Blood vessels supplying vital organs like the brain heart and kidneys are potentially at risk of such deposition.

5. Eye screening
The eyes are vital organs and shouldn’t be ignored by men over 40 years. Most causes of blindness are usually preventable..e.g Glaucoma, Cataract etc

6. Colon cancer (pile) screening
Colorectal cancer is not a rare cancer as we may think. It is an important medical test all adult men over 40 years should get.

7. Lung cancer screening
This is specifically important in men with a long standing history of cigarette smoking; family history of lung cancer and in men working in companies who are at risk of inhalational/ occupation health risk and generator fumes etc

8. Testicular cancer screening
Cancer of the testis is relatively common in the 3rd to 4th decade of life with another peak after the 6th decade. Men generally are advised to have a monthly self-testicular examination.

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