Showing posts with label milk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label milk. Show all posts

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Surprising Benefits of Raw Chocolate

Chocolate is often seen as an indulgence, a naughty little treat that always leaves us feeling a bit guilty after we've taken the last bite, but is it really such a bad thing?

Actually, chocolate isn't half as unhealthy as you might believe. It just depends on the kind of chocolate that you're eating. Milk and white chocolate are great for a treat and should be enjoyed guilt-free, but other types of chocolate have some surprising benefits you might not have been aware of.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

What to Feed Your Baby in Year 1 - Starting Solids

Start Solids at 4-6 Months
That's the recommended time to introduce solid foods -- usually rice cereal mixed with breast milk or formula, to start. But it's not just about age. Before starting solids, babies should be able to sit up (with support), turn their heads away, and make chewing motions. And, they should be over the "extrusion reflex" that makes them spit out anything but liquid.

Yamaha Musical Equipment

Yamaha Musical Equipment
Yamaha Musical Equipment