Thursday, May 30, 2024

AMALA JOINT GHOST STORY: "They did not disappear when serving guests," neighbour relates.

 AMALA JOINT GHOST STORY: "They did not disappear when serving guests," neighbour relates. 

Amala joint in Ayobo

In case you are still doubting the trending ghost story in Ayobo-Ipaja, a neighbour of the 'ghost' family, who lived in the same apartment as them, has shared his personal experience, giving details of events preceding the disappearance of the Amala joint owner and her children

THE last has not been heard of the shocking disappearance of an Amala seller and her children at their restaurant on Alaja-megida road in the Ayobo-Ipaja LCDA of Alimosho LGA.

Gracefield Hotel and Suites
+234 7064664848

Recall that Alimoshotoday had reported how a food seller and her apprentices disappeared after a customer recognised them as ghosts.

the line, my wife told me that these people are not ordinary people. But I started seeing that during the holiday, they don't travel, and nobody visits them. They don't even have a house. They told the caretaker that they wanted a shop, and they were living in the shop. 

''During the dry season with the heat, I noticed that these 4 adults were sleeping in the shop without windows and the doors were closed too. On two occasions, I saw a customer fighting them because he greeted them and they refused to answer. They do not make use of mirrors. I noticed that they were very careful about calling each other by name, and they speak in a language I have never heard before," he narrated.

While responding to insinuations that the family disappeared when someone identified them as ghosts, he said it is not true, adding that they left the shop in a manner he has not yet come to fathom.

''On December 31, that was the last time I saw them. I went for crossover service and came back around past 1 after the prayers. Their generator was still on, and there was no sign that they were packing. There was this big table they use in selling food, but it was too big to enter their shop. I still saw the table when I came back. Only for me to wake up by 9 am, but discovered that they had left. It was not possible for them to move the table because the key to the gate is still with me. There is no way they would have packed their load within that time. Even up till now, I am still surprised,'' he declared.

Up until this time, the shop is still locked. 

Watch the video as posted by Ijesaekun

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