Did you know that some foods actually leach minerals, such as Calcium,
right out of the bone, including cartilage and joint areas? Some foods
also block the bone’s ability to regenerate and strengthen itself. The
foods you eat should be providing the nutrients to build strong bones —
keeping them viable, including their associated cartilage, tendons,
ligaments, tendons, bursae, synovial fluid, muscles, nerves, etc. — not
sap them or kill them off!
It doesn’t matter what form of wellness intervention you engage in — medications, herbal formulas (tinctures, homeopathics, supplements, and the like), exercise, etc. — certain foods can work against your body’s ability to heal itself. They often leach nutrients out of your body’s systems, or block the body’s ability to store and use them.
If you have issues related to bones, joints, connective tissues, and the like — if these issues show themselves as arthritis, joint pain, osteoarthritis, cartilage degeneration, aching, stiffness, etc. — then you need to look at ways that your diet can aid you, not make things worse! It may be necessary to minimize ingestion of certain foods.
Canned foods such as soups, vegetables, sauces, spaghetti, etc.
· Frozen meals, entrees, etc.
· Deli meats
· Pizza
· Fast food (especially burgers, fries and shakes), restaurants, cafeterias
Why Salt is a Bone Killer: It saps Calcium from the bones, weakening them over time. For every 2,300 milligrams of sodium you take in, you lose about 40 milligrams of calcium, dietitians say. One study compared postmenopausal women who ate a high-salt diet with those who didn’t, and the ones who ate a lot of salt lost more bone minerals. If you are young and eating a high salt diet, your bones are actually aging and degenerating faster than you! Similarly, any amount of extra weight you carry needs to be supported by strong bones, so a high salt diet is actually making them weaker and more fragile, thereby increasing the potential for injury.
What to do: Limit or avoid the above processed foods — they are literally crippling you. Eat fresh foods (vegetables and fruits) that contain natural traces of sodium as part of their nutrient-richness. Cut back on processed sauces and condiments (soya, tamari, catsup, dressings, cooking sauces) that are naturally high in salts and sugars and used in home cooking. Don’t overdo sport drinks and electrolyte-regenerating liquids like Gatorade, and the like.
Soft drinks are the preferred drink of most people, and — one of the BIGGEST BONE KILLERS! Just by changing your dependency or preference for a carbonated drink can reap huge rewards, both physically and in financial savings at the check-out
Why Soft Drinks are a Bone Killer: That fizzy quality in soda is from phosphoric acid — it specifically increases the rate at which calcium is excreted in the urine. In other words, it saps the available calcium in tissues and organs and blood, depleting it naturally when you pee. Also consider that soft drinks have no bone-building nutrients, so they fill you up and satisfy your thirst, providing unhealthy amounts of sugar and empty calories with absolutely no benefits for health!
What to do: When you’re tempted to reach for a soft drink, instead try milk, calcium- and vitamin D-fortified orange juice, or a fruit smoothie made with yogurt. Or just drink water when you’re thirsty, and eat a diet high in bone-building nutrients.
Why Caffeine is a Bone Killer: The phytochemicals in caffeine move via the blood stream into calcium rich bones setting up a leaching action. For every 100 milligrams of caffeine (the amount in a small to medium-sized cup of coffee), you lose 6 milligrams of calcium. This may not be much, but it adds up if multiple cups of coffe, tea or other caffeinated drinks (sodas, energy drinks) are part of one’s dietstyle.
What to Do: Reasonably reasses the value of caffeine in your liquids, and the quantity you consume. Substitute fresh juices, milks or water, decaffeinated teas, etc
Why Alcohol is a Bone Killer: Every bone has bone-building cells called osteoblasts. Osteoblasts are always working to regenerate, rebuild and remodel the bones every day. Alcohol prevents osteoblasts from doing their job by preventing any bone-building minerals eaten from being absorbed. The calcium is blocked, resulting in weaker bones, or slow healing and recovery from fractures.
What to do: Limit your drinking to one drink a day, whether that’s wine, beer, or hard alcohol.
Why Hydrogenated Oils are a Bone Killer: The process of hydrogenation turns liquid vegetable oil into solid oils that are used in most store-bought foods such as bakery items and frozen foods. Every package lists the hydrogenated oils in the ingredients, so it’s not difficult to spot. These oils are stripped of the necessary Vitamin K that helps build and rebuild bones.
What to do: First, limit the role of processed foods in your diet. Second, read the labels. Third, adjust your diet: eat green leafy vegetables that are naturally loaded with Vitamin K (spinach, chard, kale, lettuces, collards, etc), and switch to Vitamin K-rich oils like canola and olive oil. Above all, eat your greens!
Why Vitamin A is a Bone Killer: Too much can be harmful, for Vitamin A in excess actually weakens the cellular structure of bones. Postmenopausal women, in particular, seem to be susceptible to vitamin A overload. Studies show that women whose intake was higher than 5,000 IUs had more than double the fracture rate of women whose intake was less than 1,600 IUs a day.
What to do: Switch to low-fat or nonfat dairy products only, and eat egg whites rather than whole eggs (all the vitamin A is in the yolk). Also check your multivitamin, and if it’s high in vitamin A, switch to one that isn’t.
Herbal interventions have less potential success if they are blocked by dietary habits that are harming bones and tissues. Herbal healing aids also work well when the body is actively maintained with regular weight-bearing exercise, such as walking. Exercise stimulates blood circulation, re-oxygenates tissues and blood supply, keeps muscles supple, joints flexible, and tones the body. Even if fairly immobile and in convalescence, it is important to move and flex some parts of the body.
We always recommend that clients who use our tinctures, salves, and other products, also assess their dietstyle and make necessary adjustments. Furthermore, we advise increasing fresh water intake, ingesting at least 2-3 quarts per day. The above suggestions constantly serve to flush the body of toxins and excessive elements, thereby allowing the herbs to be more quickly absorbed into the body.
In other articles, we share more specific nutritional information; including what vegetables and fruit you can grow in your own garden for increased health and well-being.
For detailed information about our Solomon’s Seal products (tinctures, salves, tea and liniment) that have proven to be effective for all types of bone system issues, please visit our website: www.solomonsseal.net
It doesn’t matter what form of wellness intervention you engage in — medications, herbal formulas (tinctures, homeopathics, supplements, and the like), exercise, etc. — certain foods can work against your body’s ability to heal itself. They often leach nutrients out of your body’s systems, or block the body’s ability to store and use them.
If you have issues related to bones, joints, connective tissues, and the like — if these issues show themselves as arthritis, joint pain, osteoarthritis, cartilage degeneration, aching, stiffness, etc. — then you need to look at ways that your diet can aid you, not make things worse! It may be necessary to minimize ingestion of certain foods.
The Importance of Calcium
Did you know that 99% of your body’s calcium is stored in your bones and teeth? This calcium makes up your bone bank. Calcium is “deposited” and “withdrawn” from your bone bank daily, based on your body’s need for calcium. If your daily diet is low in calcium, calcium is “withdrawn” from your bone bank. Bone is broken down to keep your blood calcium level normal. This happens because calcium, besides aiding the bone system, plays a critical role in supporting your body’s vital functions; such as controlling your blood pressure and maintaining your heart beat.6 BONE-KILLING FOODS
According to federal dietary guidelines you should not ingest more than 2300 milligrams of salt per day. However, MOST PEOPLE EAT DOUBLE THE SALT EVERY DAY! How is this possible? It’s these types of PROCESSED foods that account for 75% of your sodium intake (table salt provides very little), so AVOID or minimize them:Canned foods such as soups, vegetables, sauces, spaghetti, etc.
· Frozen meals, entrees, etc.
· Deli meats
· Pizza
· Fast food (especially burgers, fries and shakes), restaurants, cafeterias
Why Salt is a Bone Killer: It saps Calcium from the bones, weakening them over time. For every 2,300 milligrams of sodium you take in, you lose about 40 milligrams of calcium, dietitians say. One study compared postmenopausal women who ate a high-salt diet with those who didn’t, and the ones who ate a lot of salt lost more bone minerals. If you are young and eating a high salt diet, your bones are actually aging and degenerating faster than you! Similarly, any amount of extra weight you carry needs to be supported by strong bones, so a high salt diet is actually making them weaker and more fragile, thereby increasing the potential for injury.
What to do: Limit or avoid the above processed foods — they are literally crippling you. Eat fresh foods (vegetables and fruits) that contain natural traces of sodium as part of their nutrient-richness. Cut back on processed sauces and condiments (soya, tamari, catsup, dressings, cooking sauces) that are naturally high in salts and sugars and used in home cooking. Don’t overdo sport drinks and electrolyte-regenerating liquids like Gatorade, and the like.
Soft drinks are the preferred drink of most people, and — one of the BIGGEST BONE KILLERS! Just by changing your dependency or preference for a carbonated drink can reap huge rewards, both physically and in financial savings at the check-out
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Why Soft Drinks are a Bone Killer: That fizzy quality in soda is from phosphoric acid — it specifically increases the rate at which calcium is excreted in the urine. In other words, it saps the available calcium in tissues and organs and blood, depleting it naturally when you pee. Also consider that soft drinks have no bone-building nutrients, so they fill you up and satisfy your thirst, providing unhealthy amounts of sugar and empty calories with absolutely no benefits for health!
What to do: When you’re tempted to reach for a soft drink, instead try milk, calcium- and vitamin D-fortified orange juice, or a fruit smoothie made with yogurt. Or just drink water when you’re thirsty, and eat a diet high in bone-building nutrients.
Caffeine is a bone killer just like the phosphoric acid in soft drinks, and salt: it leaches calcium from bones. This is a scientific fact in spite of any research that may proclaim certain health benefits of caffeinated liquids.Why Caffeine is a Bone Killer: The phytochemicals in caffeine move via the blood stream into calcium rich bones setting up a leaching action. For every 100 milligrams of caffeine (the amount in a small to medium-sized cup of coffee), you lose 6 milligrams of calcium. This may not be much, but it adds up if multiple cups of coffe, tea or other caffeinated drinks (sodas, energy drinks) are part of one’s dietstyle.
What to Do: Reasonably reasses the value of caffeine in your liquids, and the quantity you consume. Substitute fresh juices, milks or water, decaffeinated teas, etc
Alcohol is a deal-breaker in your life for numerous reasons, if it is not drunk intelligently and in moderation. Nutritionally, however, ALCOHOL IS A BONE BREAKER because it is a CALCIUM- BLOCKER.Why Alcohol is a Bone Killer: Every bone has bone-building cells called osteoblasts. Osteoblasts are always working to regenerate, rebuild and remodel the bones every day. Alcohol prevents osteoblasts from doing their job by preventing any bone-building minerals eaten from being absorbed. The calcium is blocked, resulting in weaker bones, or slow healing and recovery from fractures.
What to do: Limit your drinking to one drink a day, whether that’s wine, beer, or hard alcohol.
Strong bones needs Vitamin K, but HYDROGENATION IS A BONE KILLER by sapping Vitamin K out of oils rich in it — oils most often used in commercial baking and processed foods (frozen or canned).Why Hydrogenated Oils are a Bone Killer: The process of hydrogenation turns liquid vegetable oil into solid oils that are used in most store-bought foods such as bakery items and frozen foods. Every package lists the hydrogenated oils in the ingredients, so it’s not difficult to spot. These oils are stripped of the necessary Vitamin K that helps build and rebuild bones.
What to do: First, limit the role of processed foods in your diet. Second, read the labels. Third, adjust your diet: eat green leafy vegetables that are naturally loaded with Vitamin K (spinach, chard, kale, lettuces, collards, etc), and switch to Vitamin K-rich oils like canola and olive oil. Above all, eat your greens!
Most modern diets are too high in Vitamin A, which is ingested naturally in foods and in multivitamins to aid in vision and the immune system. 5000 IUs is plenty (perhaps too much), according to dietary guidelnes. However, Vitamin A is bountiful in eggs, most dairy products (full-fat), liver and vitamin-fortified foods and drinks. In its way, too much Vitamin A is a BONE KILLER.Why Vitamin A is a Bone Killer: Too much can be harmful, for Vitamin A in excess actually weakens the cellular structure of bones. Postmenopausal women, in particular, seem to be susceptible to vitamin A overload. Studies show that women whose intake was higher than 5,000 IUs had more than double the fracture rate of women whose intake was less than 1,600 IUs a day.
What to do: Switch to low-fat or nonfat dairy products only, and eat egg whites rather than whole eggs (all the vitamin A is in the yolk). Also check your multivitamin, and if it’s high in vitamin A, switch to one that isn’t.
When a person decides to use natural interventions that are plant-based, like tinctures, salves, teas, and liniments, and the like, it is critical to reassess dietstyle preferences. What we eat can hinder or help our health, and affect the discomforts felt in our body. Bone health is fundamental to aging gracefully, and we need to be aware of the basic needs of our bones to regenerate their strength and flexibility.Herbal interventions have less potential success if they are blocked by dietary habits that are harming bones and tissues. Herbal healing aids also work well when the body is actively maintained with regular weight-bearing exercise, such as walking. Exercise stimulates blood circulation, re-oxygenates tissues and blood supply, keeps muscles supple, joints flexible, and tones the body. Even if fairly immobile and in convalescence, it is important to move and flex some parts of the body.
We always recommend that clients who use our tinctures, salves, and other products, also assess their dietstyle and make necessary adjustments. Furthermore, we advise increasing fresh water intake, ingesting at least 2-3 quarts per day. The above suggestions constantly serve to flush the body of toxins and excessive elements, thereby allowing the herbs to be more quickly absorbed into the body.
In other articles, we share more specific nutritional information; including what vegetables and fruit you can grow in your own garden for increased health and well-being.
For detailed information about our Solomon’s Seal products (tinctures, salves, tea and liniment) that have proven to be effective for all types of bone system issues, please visit our website: www.solomonsseal.net
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