Friday, October 16, 2020

Something Your Need to Know About Smile

Your smile is one of your important features. It’s one of the first things people will first notice on you and has the power to make quite an impression on those you meet. A beautiful smile also helps boost your confidence and make you want to smile more, resulting in feeling a lot happier.

There are so many benefits to having a ‘picture-perfect’ smile, both aesthetically and mentally. So, if you’re struggling with achieving that smile you’ve always desired to have don’t worry, as here are 6 ways to transform the look of your smile.

1. Invisalign

Invisalign is quickly becoming a very popular choice amongst older adults looking to straighten their teeth and improve the look of their smile. These invisible braces without any metal brackets or wires, you can take them out to eat, and best of all they are practically invisible. These are a great option for those not wanting to experience the inconvenience of braces and looking for a more subtle way of straightening their teeth. Visit your local cosmetic dentist clinic for an initial consultation to discuss a treatment plan and the best way to get Invisalign’s made for you.

2. Veneers

Veneers are still quite a popular choice in the teeth transformation game and can be a fantastic option for some smiles. A thin porcelain facade is used to instantly cover stained, chipped, and crooked teeth. Veneers can create a truly incredible transformation by changing the size, shape, and color of your teeth. The only downside is that sometimes the enamel of your teeth may need to be removed to fit veneers, which can’t be reversed. So, if you’re looking for a non-permanent treatment then veneers may not be the best option for you.

3. Bonding

A more affordable and less destructive option than veneers is dental bonding. Dental composite (the same material used for white fillings) is used to cleverly reshape teeth. Chips in teeth can be easily filled while contouring edges and changing the size or shape of individual teeth. The results from bonding look very natural and it doesn’t damage your teeth in any way. The process is completely reversible, and as it isn’t a permanent solution you may need to repeat the process every 3-10 years on average.

4. Contouring

Teeth contouring works by removing small amounts of enamel to improve the shape of teeth and balance your smile. Tiny amounts of enamel are taken to not damage your teeth and the results are permanent. The process is very quick and painless, and it is one of the most affordable cosmetic treatments for teeth transformation.

5. Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a very simple and feasible option for those wanting to improve their smile either in-clinic or at home. There are several home teeth whitening kits available for those wanting the extra convenience. They can contain custom-made trays and professional whitening gel from your dental clinic to safely brighten teeth at home. This gives you full control over the colour of your teeth, whether you’re looking for a subtle lift or a more dramatic makeover. Make sure your treatment is prescribed by a registered dentist to ensure the safety of the home teeth whitening kit.

6. Scale and polish

Healthy teeth are essential for any smile makeover, that’s why it is a good idea to make sure your teeth and gums are in top condition before considering any cosmetic treatment. Regular check-ups with your dentist and hygienist to keep your smile sparkling are highly recommended. The results of a professional scale and polish can be pleasantly surprising. Polishing away stains and tartar that have built upon the surface of your teeth will noticeably improve the appearance of your smile, leaving your teeth looking much whiter and brighter. You can maintain these results with a first-class brushing and flossing routine at home.
A beautiful smile Veneers

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