Monday, July 23, 2018

The Prodigal Son and His Brother

The younger brother had returned home and his father organised a feast for him by killing the prize calf. The party was in full swing with lots if music and dancing there. Everyone was having a good time.

Meanwhile the older brother was out in the fields completely unaware of what was going on at home. He returns from the fields and sees all that is going on and calls out to one of his father's hired servants, "What does all of this music and dancing mean?"

The servant answered him, "Your brother has come home and your father has killed the fatted calf for him because he has received him safe and sound and so we are now feasting."

The father then said to his older son, We had to celebrate son for your brother was dead and now he is alive, he was lost and now he has been found. After all these years he has finally come to his senses."

But the older son, far from being happy on hearing of the news of his wayward brother's return became very angry and exploded, "WHAT! All of these years I have been working like a slave for you and you never did any of this for me. You never even killed a goat for me so that I may feast with my friends yet as soon as this useless son of yours returns home after wasting your money on harlots, you killed the fatted calf for him. He is a disgrace to the family!
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The father responded, "Son, you are always here with me. Everything I have is yours but we had to celebrate for your brother has finally come to his senses after all these years!" The older son answered him, "But what about me? I never even lost mine!" The father replied, "Yes, what about you son can't you forgive your brother?"

The father pleaded with the older son to join the party but he refused to!

Sounds as though the older brother had an attitude problem! Firstly he couldn't even say to his father "my brother." We can be like that with other people who live different lives to us by saying "That lot over there." Secondly he accused his brother of spending the money on bad women! How did he know what his brother spent the money on or was he just making assumptions?" When someone is anti you what they will do is make up stuff about you and those that hear what he or she have to say believe it.

Did you notice that the older brother was unaware that everyone else was feasting! In fact he was the last to know! That tells me that he was out of touch with his father! We can be so caught up with our everyday lives that we forget the really important things! In other words we lose sense of our own priorities.

The older son pointed out to his father his brother's past sins but sinned right there and then by showing such unforgiveness toward his brother. He also sinned when he dishonoured his father by refusing to join the party.

The lessons from the parable of the prodigal son are not limited to the younger son who blew all of his inheritance on loose living. It is also about the attitude of the older son and the lack of compassion he had for his younger brother. If you like this story then maybe you will enjoy some of the stuff I write on a blog called

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