Sunday, November 8, 2015

Home Remedies to Stop Fishy Smelling Discharge from Vagina

The main cause for foul fishy discharge from the vagina is Bacterial Vaginosis.
There is  grey watery discharge from the vagina, with inflammation of the vaginal area. Bacterial Vaginosis occurs when there is overgrowth and imbalance of normal bacteria flora in the vagina. It was previously called Gardnerella Vaginitis, but later it was found that there are many other bacteria in the vagina which cause this type of fishy discharge. Bacterial Vaginosis is not a sexually transmitted disease. It is not a serious condition, but the fishy smell makes it more disturbing to the women.

When the pH of the vagina is elevated the bad bacteria thrive and outnumber the good bacteria.
Bacterial vaginosis emits a vaginal fish odor. There may be associated itching and irritation in and around the vaginal region. The vaginal odor becomes very strong after sex, and there is a grey or white vaginal discharge. The amount of discharge depends from one woman to another. Some women with Bacterial Vaginosis may not experience any symptoms at all. If you suffer from abnormal vaginal discharge, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist to make sure you are not suffering from any serious conditions such as Gonorrhea and Chlamydia.

These conditions must be treated early on to prevent complications.

Home Remedies for Fishy Discharge

Foul smelling fishy discharge is caused due to Bacterial Vaginosis. Here are some natural home remedies to treat the disease and get rid of the stinky odor:

Tea Tree Oil: 
Tea Tree oil is very effective against Bacterial Vaginosis. It is a natural anti-bacterial agent and also acts on other organisms such as fungal infections, Candida Albicans and Yeast Infection. All you have to do is take a Sitz Bath. Sit in a tub of water and add few drops of Tea Tree oil to it. Sit for about 20-30 minutes.

Garlic is another home remedy to prevent vaginal fish odor. Increase the intake of garlic in your regular diet. It brings back the vaginal pH to normal. Garlic is considered as a natural antibacterial agent. Besides, garlic also acts upon fungus and helping keep a healthy yeast balance.
Echinacea enhances the immune system. Take few drops on tincture dissolved in cup of water or it can be consumed in the supplement form.

Goldenseal is another herb that helps the immune system fight against the Bacterial Vaginosis.
Eat yogurt regularly. It acts as a Probiotic. It is a safe home remedy to treat vaginal fish odor.
You can insert some yogurt with the help of a tampon inside your vagina to expel the fishy odor caused due to Bacterial Vaginosis. Yogurt helps balance the bacterial flora.
Self Care and Preventing Stingy Fishy Smell of Bacterial Vaginosis

Wear Cotton Undergarments
Wearing synthetic undergarments may worsen the smell as the air circulation is restricted. However, when you wear cotton undergarments as it allows air to circulate more freely.

Changing of Undergarments:
Change your undergarments at least twice a day if you are suffering from fishy discharge.
Do not try to over wash the vaginal area. Washing too much with soap and perfume may affect the vaginal pH and allow the harmful bacteria to flourish.

Healthy Diet
Eat a healthy diet consisting all vitamins and minerals. It gives a boost to your immune system which helps the body fight against the resistant Bacterial Vaginosis. Eat fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat.

Tight trousers
Avoid wearing tight trousers. Wearing tight clothes prevents free air circulation and worsens the smelly discharge.

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